Long Term Loans

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The Ag Invest Long Term Agriculture Loan program makes loans more affordable for farmers and agricultural professionals.  The loans can be used to help pay for major expenses like machinery, purchase of land up to $600,000, building construction, milling, processing, transportation cost, fees, salaries, irrigation systems and other qualified expenses.


After a participating lender approves your loan, the Treasurer’s office works with the lender to reduce the interest rate, thereby lowering the overall cost to enhance/expand your farm operation or value added businesses. Click here for Ag Invest FAQ.


Please contact us for more information about the loan possibilities for your farm, or call 217.558.6217.

Items Eligible for Ag Invest Long Term Loans Include:

  • Purchasing new or used farm equipment
  • Construction/Renovation
  • Refinance
  • Milling
  • Processing
  • Transitioning
  • Land acquisition up to $600,000
  • Transportation
  • Salaries
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Hoop Houses
  • Implement soil and water conservation practices
  • Purchase of livestock
  • Qualified agribusinesses, including vineyards, fish farms, and pick-your-own orchards

Amounts and Terms:

  • Applicants can receive multiple loans per calendar year up to $800,000 per borrower
  • The below-market interest rate is available for three years with the possibility of a two-year extension
  • Loan terms for up to possible nine years for expenses greater than $800,000, contact the office for more details
  • The Treasurer's Office may require a site visit prior to approval
Interest Rates:

Interest rates are quoted here updated on the first day of every month, or you may call the Treasurer’s Office at 217.558.6217. The listed rates are posted to give potential borrowers an indication of current rate figures. The final deposit rate will be confirmed on the business day prior to issuing the loan. Effective January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025, the maximum interest rate on the loan may not exceed the associated deposit rate by more than 2.75 percent during the term of the treasurer's participation.


Program Eligibility:

  • The applicant must provide supporting documentation of proposed expenses
  • A participating Illinois financial institution must approve each borrower’s application
  • The applicant’s property must be located entirely in Illinois

Applications must be received by noon on the Thursday prior to the upcoming meeting to be considered for funding.  We typically meet the first and third Tuesday each month.  Applications received past this deadline will be considered for funding in a subsequent meeting, month or at the discretion of the Treasurer’s Office. The Treasurer's Office reserves the right to change this schedule, without notice. If you have any questions call 217.558.6217.



Be sure to visit our website to obtain the most current version of the required Treasurer's Office program documents.


If you represent a lending institution, please review the documents below:


Step 1:

Ag Invest Long Term Loan Program Application


Step 2:

Ag Invest Agriculture Linked Deposit Loan Program Letter of Agreement


Program History:

The Treasurer’s Ag Invest loan program is the nation’s most expansive agriculture deposit program. Since 1983, Ag Invest has loaned more than $5 billion in annual and long-term loans.


In addition to the Operating Line of Credit Agriculture Loan Program, the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office began the Long-Term Loan Program in 2000. Agricultural professionals across the state have taken advantage of our below-market rates to help grow their farm operations.


In 2012, the Treasurer’s office introduced a fast track version of the Ag Invest program, which helps eligible financial institutions serve their Ag Invest clients more effectively by shortening the approval process from 10 business days to just 24 - 48 hours.


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