Doing Business with the Treasurer

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Illinois State Capital Dome

Treasurer Frerichs is the state’s Chief Investment Officer and Banking Officer.  The Office of the Illinois Treasurer oversees an investment portfolio totaling approximately $50 billion (as of September 2021) and processes $356 billion in banking transactions annually.


On the investment front, the Illinois Treassurer oversees several programs, including:  (1) State Investments, (2) 529 College Savings Program, (3) The Illinois Funds, (4) The Illinois Growth & Innovation Fund, (5) Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program, and (6) Illinois Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program.


On the banking front, the Office of the Illinois Treasurer is responsible for managing the State’s multiple banking functions and financial services, which entails treasury operations, cash management services, investment verification, clearing functions, and time deposits.






Services and Products

The Office of the Illinois Treasurer seeks a variety of financial services and products from external partners, including, but not limited to:


Broker/Dealer Services

Treasuries Supranationals
Agencies Commercial Paper
Foreign Bonds  Municipals
Corporate Bonds Repurchase Agreements






Investment Management Services

Fixed Income Cash & Cash Equivalents
Public Equities Real Estate
Private Equity Venture Capital
Securities Lending -






Banking Services

Custody and Safekeeping Depository Services
ACH Transactions Lockbox Services
Cash and Check Processing Credit and Debit Card Processing





Other Investment Services

Investment Consulting Linked/Time Deposits
Bond Arbitrage Third-Party Research





Procurement Opportunities

The Office of the Illinois Treasurer contracts with financial institutions to obtain various financial services.  RFPs, RFIs, and invitations to bid are posted on the Treasurer's Procurement page.  To receive automatic email notifications when new procurement opportunities are issued, sign up for the procurement notification system


MWVD and Illinois-Based Firms

The Office of the Illinois Treasurer is focused on providing business opportunities to firms based in Illinois and firms owned by minorities, women, veterans, and persons with a disability (MWVD).  Please visit the relevant pages for more info: MWVD Firms and Illinois Firms



For questions pertaining to investment products and services, please email to


For questions pertaining to banking products and services, please email