Revolving Door Policy

So, You're Leaving State Employment…
While working for the State of Illinois, you may have gained knowledge, experience and contacts that are valuable to employers in the private sector. There's nothing wrong with that. However, State law may limit the kind of work situations you and your family can accept for a year after you leave State employment. In 2009 the General Assembly enacted a "revolving door" prohibition to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
The Revolving Door Prohibition…
The prohibition forbids State officers and employees, and their spouses and immediate families living with them, from accepting employment or compensation from entities directly affected by certain decisions the State officer or employee made.

These prohibitions apply when State officers or employees, in the year prior to termination of State service, participated "personally and substantially":
  1. In the award of State contracts, or in the issuance of State contract change orders with a cumulative value of $25,000 or more.
  2. In making a regulatory or licensing decision.
Does the Revolving Door Apply to You?...
The Treasurer's Office is required to adopt policies that identify which positions may have the authority to participate personally and substantially in the award of State contracts or in regulatory or licensing decisions. If you are uncertain whether your position is subject to the restrictions, please contact the Treasurer's Ethics Officer.
Obtaining a Determination…
If your position is subject to the revolving door restrictions, for the year following termination of State service, you are required to obtain a "determination" from the Office of the Executive Inspector General (OEIG) for the Illinois Treasurer before accepting non-State employment or compensation for fees or services. The determination states whether your proposed job opportunity would violate the revolving door restrictions. The OEIG has 10 days to make the determination once you have submitted all of the required documents. This determination may be appealed to the Executive Ethics Commission (EEC) by you or by the Attorney General within 10 days.
An intentional violation of the revolving door prohibition or failure to obtain a required determination constitutes a Class A Misdemeanor. The EEC may also levy an administrative fine of $5,000 or up to three times the total annual compensation that would have been obtained in violation of the revolving door prohibition.
Forms & Additional Resources
For Further Information

Office of the Executive Inspector General for the Treasurer's Office
(217) 557-1972 or

Executive Inspector General - Heather A. Stone (217) 555-1972 or

Ethics Officer – Laura Duque (312) 814-3575 or

Executive Ethics Commission (EEC) - (217) 558-1393 or

Illinois General Assembly -
Heather A. Stone
Executive Inspector General

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